On 2 November 2021, my life changed in a moment. I was hit by a car while I was walking across the road. Broken right ankle, broken right arm requiring surgery for pins and screws to put it back together, four days in hospital. I couldn’t walk. The injuries to my arm meant I couldn’t even sign my name. I had to learn to use a mouse with my left hand. It all happened so suddenly, I left my office at lunchtime to do some banking, and didn’t make it back.
There are times when an event will change your life, and we can never be prepared for these changes. They hit you out of the blue, and you have to deal with it. Everyone else you are in contact with is also affected and has to deal with it, your family, your friends, your work mates, your colleagues, your clients or customers. There will be many who will step up to assist you, they did for me.
Bearing all this in mind, I cannot stress strongly enough the need to have Enduring Powers of Attorney, and also an up to date Will. An Enduring Power of Attorney for Property can allow your chosen attorney to sign documents for you. An Enduring Power of Attorney for Personal Care and Welfare will allow your chosen attorney to make decisions in relation to your health if you do not have the mental capacity to do so. Of course, a Will allows your Trustees to deal with your estate in accordance with your wishes. (Please see the links at the bottom of the page for more information)
Fortunately, my injuries are healing well. I can walk again (slowly), I can drive, I can write again and I am back at the office on a more regular basis. It will take a lot of physio to get the movement and strength back in my arm, but I am determined to get it there. This is my goal for 2022.
I was blown away by the wonderful care, support, well wishes, gifts and flowers I received. It still brings tears to my eyes, and all I can say to those involved, from the bottom of my heart, is thank you.
Note: Katherine’s Blog is not a substitute for legal advice, please contact your lawyer.
Links for Further Information:
- Why are Wills Important? https://kwlegal.nz/wills/
- Wills – Is it time for an update? https://kwlegal.nz/2018/01/3329/
- Your Digital Footprint https://kwlegal.nz/2018/03/your-digital-footprint/
- Can I Put My Pets in My Will? Can I Put My Pets in My Will? – by Casey Walters – Katherine Wilmott Legal (kwlegal.nz)
- Enduring Powers of Attorney https://kwlegal.nz/2018/01/enduring-powers-of-attorney/#more-3299