KW Legal welcomes Covid 19 – Alert Level 1.
As Kiwis we have reached a milestone. We have worked together, 5 million of us, to squash Covid 19 in our lovely country.
We are pleased to advise that our offices are open as normal from 9 June 2020. Our usual hours are Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.
For your convenience we have a QR Code for the NZ Government Covid 19 Tracer App. This is with Shona at reception. You are also welcome to use our hand sanitiser.
We look forward to meeting with our clients again. Please don’t forget, if you want to see Katherine, Kim or Viv, you must make an appointment first.
Looking forward to the new normal under Alert Level 1.
Noho ora mai / Stay well, look after yourself.